House MD

This blog is for posting stories submitted to the House M.D. Addicts Anonymous guild on

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My Only Love by RamiaAnimorphis

My Only Love - RamiaAnimorphis

Greg House sat in his office, playing gameboy while the ducklings ran tests on their new patient. He grumbled at the sound of the door opening, figuring the tests were done right as he reached the eighteenth level. He was surprised to look up and see the resigned figure of Dr. James Wilson standing there, looking expectantly at his friend.

“What?” House said gruffly, not wanting to talk at the moment.

“Well . . . I guess I expected you to have something interesting to say.” Wilson sat down in the chair in front of Greg’s desk.

“Like what? Our patient has a funny tumor, and we need your help? Stacey’s giving me the cold shoulder again? Cameron is pregnant with Chase’s baby? Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but nothing intriguing is happening in the life of Dr. Gregory House, chief diagnostician.” House finished with a rather smug look at the label he gave himself.

“So, it’s been that boring around here?” Wilson said as he stood to pace around the room nervously.

“Seems like it.” Greg let out a resigned sigh before continuing, “Why are you really here?”

Wilson sat himself back down in his chair and ran his hand through his hair. He let out a troubled sigh and stared at the ground. Greg wanted to pry more into his friend’s life, but he knew James would begin speaking when he was ready.

The silence was so long, though that House went to change the subject anyway, “So our new patient has a. . .”

“Julie . . . said she might . . . leave me . . . ” Wilson stared at the ground, trying to remember every detail. He was on the verge of tears. He hadn’t wanted his third marriage to end. He hadn’t wanted any of his marriages to end. He couldn’t stop his roving eye. He couldn’t keep his mind off of the one person that he knew meant the most to him.

House let out another resigned sigh before hefting himself from his chair. He walked over to his friend and placed a comforting hand on James’s shoulder. He felt his friend shudder from his touch. He knew Wilson was on the verge of tears, but he also knew that nothing he could say would make it better for either of them. Still, he tried.

“If . . . you want to stay . . . at my house for a while . . . that would be fine with me . . . ” Greg felt genuinely awkward suggesting that James stay with him. He hadn’t allowed Wilson to stay with him ever since that night.

James had a lump in his throat. He tried to force out his answer, but his tongue wouldn’t allow him to talk as he stumbled over the simple words, “I . . . I–I–I gu–gu–gue–guess . . . ” He stopped, thoroughly flustered and surprised. The feelings that were swirling inside Wilson at that very moment were frightening him. He wanted to say yes, but feared that the events of the past would rear their ugly heads again. ‘I can’t believe I tried to kiss him . . . ’ he thought regretfully.

“Well, if you don’t want to . . . you could go back to your place . . . and stay with Julie. Or stay in your office for the night . . . ” House ventured. He knew what Wilson was thinking about. He could feel his friend’s heart beating faster from where his hand still rested on the oncologist’s shoulder. He could definitely hear his breathing quicken, if he’d imagined the heartbeat. ‘I can’t believe I almost let that happen.’ He thought with a wince.

He felt Wilson shift uncomfortably under his hand. He had noticed the wince. The wince he had was mostly because his leg was acting up again. He removed his hand from Wilson’s shoulder and fished in his pocket for Vicodin. After finding it, he easily removed the childproof lid with one hand and popped a Vicodin into his mouth.

“You seriously shouldn’t take as much Vicodin as you do now . . . ” Wilson’s voice sounded concerned for Greg. House sighed and returned to his chair. He picked up his gameboy and began to kill the space-monkeys again. He heard James get up and walk toward the door.

“I’m leaving at five. I won’t wait more than three minutes extra after getting to my car. I assume you’ll be there?” House looked up from his game just in time to see the surprised shock register on Wilson’s face. James gave him a quick nod before heading out the door. House smirked at the way he fumbled with the door handle. ‘Tonight . . . is gonna be interesting . . . ’ he thought before resigning to attack the space-monkeys again.

James walked out of Greg’s office with a pleased, but horribly flustered, smile on his face. Anyone who passed him assumed that he and Julie had resolved their issues and he was going home tonight. He was going home, but not to his home. He was almost back to his office when he was met with a very concerned face. One he hadn’t wished to see. The face of Allison Cameron.

“Dr. Wilson, I’m sooooo sorry! I just heard about you and Julie! Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you need a shoulder to cry on? If there’s anything I can do at all, please tell me! I want to help you.” Cameron’s eyes were huge and looked on the verge of spilling over with kind tears. Wilson shifted uncomfortably under her gaze before assuring her that he’d be fine. Her eyes showed that she didn’t believe him, but she still let him go.

When Wilson finally reached his office, he sat down in his chair and closed his eyes. All his patients were taken care of. None of them were dying abnormally fast. House certainly didn’t need his help on any cases. He then decided that he would nap until five when he could drive home with House and relax.

The rapping of a cane on his door startled him from sleep. He looked up and saw House looking irritated and glancing at his watch. He looked at his own watch and saw that it was nearly 6:30. He sputtered and stood up abruptly. Immediately following this, he fell on his face because his leg was asleep and didn’t feel like supporting his weight. He heard House snicker and he attempted to stand up again and was successful this time.

“When I said five o’clock, I meant FIVE.” House growled, but added, “You’re lucky I waited.”

Wilson nodded in gratitude and tried to tidy his shirt. While he continued to smooth the wrinkles in his shirt, he noticed Greg had stopped walking. He looked up at him. Seeing the shocked look on his face, he asked, “Greg? What’s wrong?”
House shook his head, “Nothing . . . it’s nothing.” Greg continued to limp along, looking rather embarrassed with himself. Had he really thought that? About Wilson? About his best friend? ABOUT WILSON? House shook the thought from his mind. The last thing he mentioned to himself about it was ‘Did I really think I wanted James’s shirt off?’

They hadn’t said anything the whole way home. House was focused on the road and Wilson was focused on his plight. His marriage was ending, he was staying with his friend whom he . . . liked? No. He couldn’t think that way. He and Greg were friends and that was it. ‘So first of all, I’m gonna call him House. Not Greg.’ He nodded his head without noticing, which caused House to look at him awkwardly. Taking notice of this, he turned toward the window, away from House, and blushed profusely. ‘There’s no use denying it, James. You like him. Just don’t call him Greg. You might prevent ANYTHING from happening.’

When they pulled into the apartment parking lot, House found a spot close to the elevator and climbed out. He had wanted to get to his apartment without anything AWKWARD happening, but after James’s display of affection in the car, he just wanted to get home. He climbed into the elevator and stood on one side. He heaved a silent sigh of relief when Wilson occupied the other side.

“How . . . um . . . h-how long am I welcome?” Wilson stuttered.

“As long as you need . . . I guess . . . ” House offered awkwardly and shifted his weight. He winced, earning a concerned look from his friend. He cursed silently and looked at the wall. If only this elevator went faster. Finally, the doors dinged open and the 3rd floor became visible. He hastily limped out of the elevator and headed toward his door, fishing for his keys.

James realized that he was making this entire situation very awkward and he made a point to purposefully kick his foot hard on the elevator door to punish himself for it. He cursed under his breath and continued walking after House. They both reached the door of House’s apartment and entered. Wilson shuddered slightly at the memories he had with this place. All of the noises and smells of that night flooded back to him. He half-wished the floor would swallow him up. He hears the clinking of bottle on glass and looked up to see House pouring whiskey into two glasses.

“Thought I’d give us something to relax. To get your mind off of Julie for a while.” House said, although he knew Wilson hadn’t thought about Julie since they had gotten in the car. Still, he poured the whiskey while thinking about the consequences of the plan he was about to put to action. He handed Wilson a glass and took the other, reclining on his couch. He heard Wilson sit down in the recliner across from him. ‘Thank God.’ He thought, ‘I don’t think I could keep my “composure” with Wils in such close proximity.’ Wils. He liked the sound of that, though he reminded himself not to voice it. Well, not yet at least.

As the night dragged on, the two men became more relaxed and the whiskey bottle became increasingly empty. They were laughing about everything again. House nearly started crying from laughter when Wilson told him about Cuddy’s “UPS Man” visit. It was everything the two men could do to keep themselves from collapsing with laughter. At one point, Wilson had moved over to the couch to show House something, so they were now in close proximity.

Greg stood to get more whiskey, but he fell back down on the couch, landing with his head in James’s lap. He cursed profusely at the pain radiating throughout his leg. He half-mindedly popped a Vicodin and looked up at James. They stared absentmindedly at each other.

“You . . . have vuury preeeetty eyes . . . Greg . . . ” Wilson slurred offering a wily smile.

“I shoooould shay theth sameth toooo yooooo.” House replied with a laugh.

“I doooon’t knew hooow I din’t seee it befooooore.” Wilson looked Greg deep in the eyes.

“Seeeee wut?” Greg cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

“That I love you.” James said, not at all joking. He leaned down cautiously and placed a small kiss on Greg’s lips. When he pulled away, he noticed a small smile was left on Greg’s mouth.

“I think I love you too, Wils.” House smirked and leaned up to kiss Wilson again.


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